Sales 203-442-1846     Service 203-920-4767

Sales 203-442-1846 || Service 203-920-4767

Replacing Your Tires

Replacing Your Tires

Tires are one of, if not the most important component on your vehicle. They grip the road to keep you going in the direction intended. Ensuring proper air pressure, and regular alignments along with regular tire rotating and balancing will ensure you will get the most...

Is Connecticut Ready for Autonomous Vehicles?

Is Connecticut Ready for Autonomous Vehicles?

Connecticut, are you ready for Autonomous Vehicles? Quietly, at the national level, there are discussions taking place that may affect the vehicle that pulls up next to you at a stop light in just a couple of years.  As a Connecticut driver, are you ready to glance...

The Importance of Keeping Your Vehicle Clean

The Importance of Keeping Your Vehicle Clean

There are many benefits and joys to vehicle ownership. The thrill of the open road, the fact that you can go just about anywhere you want, the memories made visiting new places along with great conversations... One area some owners overlook during vehicle ownership is...

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