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Sales 203-442-1846 || Service 203-920-4767

New Canaan, CT

On Sunday, April 7, 2013, the entire community of New Canaan is invited to attend a very special event at the YMCA on South Avenue.  Hands for Life New Canaan aims to train 1,000 or more individuals in the potentially life-saving skill of hands-only compression CPR.  In just fifteen minutes, you can learn how to be prepared to save a life.  KARL Chevrolet is proud to be one of the local sponsors.  Here are the details:


Sunday, April 7, 2013 • 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM • New Canaan YMCA
A Community-Wide Hands Only CPR Training Event
All Are Encouraged to Attend!
 No Advance Registration Required. 

Join us for a free Hands Only CPR and AED training 
on Sunday, April 7 at the New Canaan YMCA.
Help us reach our goal of training 1,000+ community members! 

Training takes only 15 minutes and can save lives!

Training more people in Hands only CPR and AED use will empower 
our community members to take action when someone is suffering 
from a heart attack, making New Canaan safer for us all. 

Hands Only CPR can double or even triple 
chances of survival for a cardiac arrest victim.
Make plans to spend 15 minutes of your day on Sunday to join in this fantastic community event.  Bring your family and friends.  One day, someone very special to you may just be saying THANK YOU for saving my life!  Heros don’t just happen, they prepare!  Thank you.
Special Thanks to the other local businesses who have stepped up to sponsor this event with us:





About Hands For Life New Canaan
The Hands For Life New Canaan event can double the survival of cardiac arrest victims in our community. By educating our community members 
to know to Check. Call. Compress — call 911, check for breathing, and perform chest compressions at 100 beats per minute — we can save lives. 
Every minute that treatment is delayed increases the mortality by 10%. Every second counts so everyone needs to be prepared and ready to act!

Hands for Life®, a new health education effort, will work to help New Canaan become a truly heart safe community, embracing the American Heart 
Association’s challenge to educate a greater percentage of our residents and workforce on how to save lives with CPR.  The goal of Hands for Life
New Canaan is to train 1,000 adults in our community in Hands Only CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) without Mouth to Mouth, and the use 
of AEDs (automated electronic defibrillators). Training takes 15 only minutes from start to finish. 

When and Where
Hands for Life New Canaan will take place on Sunday, April 7, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM at the New Canaan YMCA (564 South Avenue). 

Why Hands Only CPR and AED Training
The statistics are as remarkable as they are alarming:• Each year 785,000 Americans suffer from a heart attack 
• Nearly 300,000 of these victims will suffer sudden cardiac arrest at the time of their heart attack, outside a hospital setting
• Less than one in four receives CPR from a bystander, and only about five percent of cardiac arrest victims survive

Studies show that survival rates fall 10 percent each minute without CPR before emergency medical assistance, often with a fatal outcome. 
Experts agree that if more people knew how to provide effective, simple-to-apply Hands Only CPR, more victims could be helped instantly, 
doubling or even tripling their chances of survival. Sadly, most adults feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency, because they do not 
know how to administer CPR, do not feel confident in their skills, or are afraid.

Working together communities can raise these odds greatly. Early activation of 911, early CPR and defibrillation significantly improve outcomes. 
Easy to administer chest compressions during CPR generate a small but critical amount of blood flow to vital organs such as the brain and heart, 
until circulation is restored by defibrillation or other therapy.

Learning Hands Only CPR and the use of AEDs at our upcoming Hands for Life New Canaan event will empower members of our community to 
act when they see someone suffering from sudden cardiac arrest. Additionally, by training our community members at this educational event, they 
will learn to overcome their fears – the most common concern of bystanders who don’t act. They will feel confident in their ability to respond and do so.

What is Hands Only CPR
Hands Only CPR is CPR without mouth-to-mouth breaths.  It is recommended for use by people who see a teen or adult collapse.  
When an adult or teen collapses, they usually have a lung full of air and oxygen in their system.  They do not need any more oxygen for 6 to 10 minutes.

Hands Only CPR consists of three easy steps:

If you witness someone lose consciousness or see someone who in unconscious, 
you will need to see if they are responsive and breathing:

Tap the patient and make sure they can’t respond.
Check to see if they are breathing.  Gasping is not breathing.  
If a person is grunting or snorting, it is often an early sign of cardiac arrest, and is an indication to start compressions.

You need to call 911 or have someone call for you and get emergency medical services to you as soon as possible.  
If you are in a public place, ask for someone to get you an AED (automated external defibrillator).

If they are not breathing, you need to start doing chest compressions.  
To perform compressions you will need to:

Position the person on his/her back on a hard surface.
Put one hand on top of the other in the middle of the victim’s chest.
Keep your arms straight and push hard and fast, 2 inches deep at 100 presses/minute.    
Keep CPR interruptions to a minimum.
In there is another bystander, take turns.
Continue until EMS takes over.

To help maintain the 100 presses/minute pace, think of the song “Staying Alive,” which is 100 beats per minute.  
Click here to see a list of other 100 beats per minute songs that can help you keep pace.

Join us and together, we can save lives!