Sales 203-442-1846     Service 203-920-4767

Sales 203-442-1846 || Service 203-920-4767


New Canaan, CT  –  August 23, 2012

It's Back to School Season - Karl Chevrolet urges you to drive safely.

Next week most area school districts head back to school.  We just want to remind everyone to allow extra time to get where you are going; and to pay extra attention to potential children walking along roads, crossing streets, or chatting with friends.  There are always lots of distractions, for pedestrians and drivers alike.  Please don’t let yourself get distracted.

Look out for school buses – those drivers are learning new routes and may be driving in unfamiliar areas.  Be prepared to stop frequently and always stay alert. 

Everyone is back from summer vacations and our roads will be more crowded.  If every driver practices these three simple things, our roads will be a pleasure to drive:

  1. Be patient – allowing extra time to get where you are headed will take the stress out of driving.
  2. Be courteous – when stuck in traffic, allow a waiting car to get out of their driveway or merge into traffic; allow time for the car in front of you to safely park or enter traffic from a parked space.
  3. Be alert – drive defensively and be on the lookout for school buses and children walking.  When you stay alert you keep everyone safe:  yourself, your passengers, pedestrians and other drivers.

Be alert for school buses and children walking whenever driving - and allow extra time to get where you are going.